Enhance Your Appearance with a Comprehensive Smile Makeover

Even patients who enjoy good oral health may have discolored, chipped, or misaligned teeth. Patients looking to improve the balance and appearance of their smile may be best served with a customized combination of treatments known as a smile makeover. At Berger Dental Group in Columbia, SCDr. Robert F. Berger has over four decades of experience providing cosmetic procedures including whitening, bonding, and veneers to create an individualized and radiant smile.

A smile makeover can address multiple cosmetic dentistry to make your teeth brighter, straighter, and more natural-looking.

What is a Smile Makeover?

The primary goal of a smile makeover is to improve the aesthetics of your appearance. Therefore, it is comprised of any number of cosmetic dental procedures. Because each patient has his or her own set of unique concerns and dental needs, no two smile makeovers will be the same. When you choose a smile makeover at Berger Dental Group, you will receive fully personalized care, catered to your specific aesthetic goals.

Who is a Candidate?

Because a smile makeover is cosmetic in nature, it is important to begin with healthy teeth and gums. Any restorative treatments, such as fillingsbridgesdental implants, or periodontal therapy should be completed first. By doing so, you will build your beautiful smile on a healthy foundation for long-lasting benefits.

When you choose a smile makeover at Berger Dental Group, you will receive fully personalized care, catered to your specific aesthetic goals..

Virtually anyone in good oral health who has realistic expectations of treatment can pursue a smile makeover. If you have crooked, crowded, discolored, or chipped teeth, this treatment may be an excellent solution for you.

Commonly Combined Procedures

There are several different combinations that can be performed during a smile makeover procedure. Some of the most common treatments include:

  • Dental BondingMinor aesthetic imperfections, such as chipped teeth or discoloration, can be addressed with a composite resin material..
  • Tooth Contouring: Often performed in conjunction with dental bonding, tooth contouring involves the removal of small amounts of tooth structure. This process can shorten the length of a tooth or smooth out contours for a more uniform appearance.
  • Porcelain VeneersAlso used to mask flaws, porcelain veneers are wafer-thin restorations that are bonded to the front of the teeth. Veneers reflect light similarly to natural teeth for a lifelike result.
  • Gum Contouring: Patients with excess gum tissue can benefit from a gum lift procedure. During this treatment, the excess tissue is removed, and the gums are reshaped for a balanced and symmetrical appearance.
  • Teeth WhiteningStained or discolored teeth can be lightened up to eight shades brighter with professional teeth whitening. Typically, whitening is performed first so that any restorations can be color-matched to your dazzling smile.

Your Treatment Process

Your smile makeover process will begin with a thorough consultation. During this appointment, your doctor will listen closely to your concerns and help you determine a customized plan to meet your needs. One of the advantages of a smile makeover is that treatment can be completed at your convenience. While some patients want to finish everything as soon as possible, others prefer to space treatments out over time, for scheduling or budgeting purposes. We will work with you to schedule your visits according to the timeline you prefer.

Find Out More Today

If you are interested in learning more about a comprehensive smile makeover procedure, schedule a consultation with us. You can call our office at (803) 205-2496 or contact us online anytime

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