Custom Porcelain Veneers Can Transform Your Smile

Dr. Robert F. Berger and his team use meticulous planning techniques for cosmetic procedures. Porcelain veneers at our Columbia, SC, and Elgin, SC offices are a popular and customized aesthetic treatment to improve your smile. These thin shells will attach to the front of your teeth, and they can conceal a broad range of aesthetic concerns. After evaluating your needs and cosmetic goals, we will customize your veneers to match the shape, size, and natural color of your teeth, or to enhance your smile. After treatment, you could enjoy a transformed smile that can boost your self-confidence.

Porcelain veneers are attached to the front of teeth to conceal various cosmetic concerns.

Are Porcelain Veneers Right for You?

Veneers may be right for you if you are struggling with concerns such as:

  • Minor chips or cracks
  • Dental stains that are resistant to whitening treatment
  • Irregularly shaped or worn teeth
  • Unusually small teeth
  • Gaps in your smile
  • Slightly misaligned teeth

You must also have strong, healthy teeth in order to receive veneers. If you have current decay, cavities, or worn enamel, this treatment may not be right for you. We can usually recommend a different cosmetic option that may be more appropriate if you do not qualify for veneers. Veneers can also be combined with other procedures for a complete smile makeover.

The Porcelain Veneers Treatment Process

Prior to placing veneers, one of our dentists will carefully reshape your teeth. Removing a thin layer of enamel creates more room for the porcelain so that it rests fully flat against your teeth and appears natural in your smile. Once your teeth have been prepared, we will take highly accurate impressions. Our lab will use the models to create unique veneers that are made to your exact specifications. The ceramists will also carefully select the shade of porcelain, making sure that it meets your goals and blends with your smile.

It typically takes about two weeks for veneers to be created, during which time you can wear temporary restorations. Once your veneers are ready, you will return to our office for a second appointment. Your doctor will ensure that your veneers fit properly and meet your goals. When you are both satisfied, we will secure your restorations in place for a transformed smile.

Because veneers can correct so many different cosmetic concerns, they can completely transform your smile and entire appearance.

Why Choose Porcelain Veneers?

There are a number of reasons to consider enhancing your smile with porcelain veneers, including:

  • Comprehensive enhancement: While you can receive a veneer on a single tooth, we can also place them on all of your highly visible teeth. Because veneers can correct so many different cosmetic concerns, they can completely transform your smile and entire appearance.
  • A worthwhile investment: To achieve the same results as you can with veneers, you may have to undergo multiple cosmetic procedures. It can become quite costly and time-consuming to experience similar aesthetic effects with other treatments. 
  • Realistic results: Because we use such meticulous techniques and advanced materials, your veneers can be remarkably lifelike. Along with their natural color and fit, they can also have a slight translucence and shine to match the rest of your teeth.
  • Lasting effects: With proper care, your veneers can last up to ten years. The stain-resistant material can remain bright, providing long-lasting results.

Schedule a Consultation

Contact our office to schedule a cosmetic consultation with one of our skilled practitioners. We can help design a customized treatment to help you achieve your cosmetic goals.

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