Dental Fillings Can Strengthen and Protect Your Teeth

If you have developed tooth decay, dental fillings at our Elgin or Columbia, SC, offices can restore the shape and function of your teeth. Dr. Robert F. Berger and his team typically provide tooth-colored dental fillings, which offer numerous cosmetic and practical benefits. Not only can the specialized composite blend with the color of your smile, it can provide benefits unavailable with a traditional metal filling. At Berger Dental Group, your doctor will work carefully when placing your filling to ensure comfortable care and long-lasting results.

Tooth-colored fillings can provide superior strength to damaged teeth and blend with your smile.

Do You Need a Filling?

Ideally, we want to diagnose and treat cavities in the early stages when they are still quite small. For this reason, it is important to visit us regularly for your exams and cleanings. However, even if you have a more advanced cavity, a filling may still be appropriate. If you have a small to medium-sized area of decay, we will typically recommend a dental filling. More extensive cavities may require larger restorations, such as a crown, inlay, or onlay. Your dentist will take x-rays to determine the extent of decay and find out which type of restoration is right for you.

Treatment Process

Before placing a filling, one of our dentists will need to clean your tooth. They will carefully remove all bacteria and damaged tissue. Your practitioner will also reshape the area so that there will be more room for the restoration. If you are receiving a tooth-colored filling, they may also use a mild chemical solution to etch the inside of your tooth. Increasing the surface are will allow the filling to bond to your tooth more securely. Traditional amalgam fillings are placed all at once. However, tooth-colored restorations are place in several layers, and we will use a special curing light to harden each successive layer. Once the cavity is completely filled, your dentist will remove any excess material to ensure a proper bite. We will also polish your tooth and the filling for a seamless smile.

Composite resin will bond with your tooth more effectively than metal. Therefore, these fillings can better strengthen your tooth and prevent future damage.

The Benefits of Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are a restorative treatment that can have important benefits for your smile and oral health. These restorations strengthen your weakened tooth and seal it so that bacteria cannot get back inside. However, tooth-colored fillings offer additional benefits over older types of materials. Most obviously, these fillings can match the shade of your smile and will not show through your tooth. The composite resin material will also bond with your tooth more effectively than metal. Therefore, these fillings can better strengthen your tooth and prevent future damage. Tooth-colored fillings also require less alteration of your healthy tissue, and your dentist will need to remove less tissue when placing your restoration. Additionally, composite resin is a stable material. In contrast, metal can expand and contract with changes in temperature, a process that can significantly weaken your teeth over time.

Receive Advanced Treatment

Learn more about the benefits of tooth-colored fillings and find out if these restorations are right for you. Contact our office today to book an appointment.

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