About The Dentist

  • Dr.
    Deidre Berger Crockett, DMD

    Dr. Deidre Crockett graduated with a Bachelor of Science from the College of Charleston in 1994. She taught math and history in the SC Public School System for four years as well as night classes for parents in Berkeley County, S.C. She excelled in teaching and enjoyed her teaching career but her move back to Columbia altered her plans. When her husband Tyler Crockett, was finishing his Chemical Engineering degree at the University of South Carolina, Mrs. Crockett became office manager for Berger Dental Group. She then decided to pursue a career as a dentist. She entered the Medical University of South Carolina in 2002, graduating in 2006. There she served as President of the Honor Council and was a member of Psi Omega Dental Fraternity where she served on several committees. She also participated in Give Kids a Smile, head, and neck cancer screenings, and volunteered in a free surgical dental clinic in North Charleston for two years serving those who have no means to receive dental care.

    Dr. Crockett graduated from the Medical University of South Carolina in May of 2006 with a Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) degree. Dr. Crockett is currently a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and has taken courses that have expanded her knowledge and abilities in this area. This makes her more capable of bringing the practice a higher degree of aesthetic dentistry, as well as functionality for her patients. She has completed the in-depth IV sedation residency at the University of Alabama leading to certification in IV and Oral Sedation. She considers continuing education courses a vital necessity for being an excellent dentist. She has an outstanding ability to relate to her patients, and she’s shown caring and kindness that is very much appreciated by her patients. She brings a high degree of skill, caring, and professionalism to D. Berger Dental of Elgin. Dr. Crockett is vice president The South Carolina Dental Association, a delegate for the American dental association, and a member of The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentists, The Palmetto Study Club, a former president of the Central District Dental Society, and is a fellow in the Pierre Fauchard Academy.

    She has also provided dental exams for the military guard units, Navy, Air Force, and Marines for 10 years as well as treating veterans at her office.

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm





