Sapphire Teeth Whitening for Beautiful Smiles

We have been whitening teeth at Berger Dental Group for at least 25 years.  Carbamide peroxide was the first agent used and it was purely “take home” and was an excellent starting point.  The first salesman bleached his upper teeth and not his lowers to show the result because it was new and “unbelievable”.  He kept his teeth like that for several years; that was dedication!

At this time, we have the newest and best whitening agents that have evolved.  The trays are made from an impression taken in our office.  We pour the models and fabricate the whitening trays.  The patient is instructed in the placement of the whitening material into the tray and places it in their mouth.

A faster technique involves the use of Sapphire material.  An assistant in our office, certified in the use of the material, coats the gums in the areas above (upper) and below (lower) the teeth and applies the in-office whitening material to the teeth.  A light is used in most cases that activates the material to be very effective.  While the patient is present, take-home trays are made as mentioned above for follow-up.  This technique can also be duplicated after a month in very dark teeth.  It is quite effective.  We get very little sensitivity in most cases.  For dark teeth, we like to repeat the Sapphire in office one month later to bring us to a good bright smile.  In other words, we incorporate whatever is needed and present those facts to the patient before bleaching the teeth.

Over the years, we have learned to utilize different techniques for different needs.  Some patient’s only need a simple take home tray and they don’t really need the “in office” concentrated focus.  This is much better than “strips” as the trays stay in place and can be used to touch up.  Some patients also choose to make whitening part of a complete smile makeover.

We like to evaluate carefully each situation as we have many years of experience with various methods.  We look at the newest data and techniques so that we can give the best advice and care here at Berger Dental Group!

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Our Regular Schedule


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm





