Preventative Dentistry

Preventive Dentistry for All Patients

At Berger Dental Group, we can address a wide range of oral health issues. However, avoiding dental complications is always preferable. Preventative dentistry can reduce the risk for tooth decay, gum disease, and other harmful oral health problems before they start. At our Columbia, SC, office, Dr. Robert F. Berger helps patients care for their teeth and gums with preventive treatments, such as six-month dental check-ups.

What Is Preventive Dentistry?

Preventive dentistry involves cleaning, maintaining, and monitoring the structures of the oral cavity, including your teeth, gums, jawbone, and tongue. In other words, it focuses on reducing your risk of developing oral health problems. While dentists can do a lot to keep your smile healthy, they cannot do it on their own. Preventive care is most effective when you work with your dentist to stay healthy.

Preventive Dentistry Services We Offer

As a full-service dental office, Berger Dental Group offers many preventive dentistry treatments, including:

  • Dental cleanings and check-ups every six months
  • Digital dental x-rays
  • Oral cancer screenings
  • Ongoing patient education

The Importance of Preventive Care

Preventive dentistry offers patients numerous benefits. Some of the most important advantages to following a preventive approach to dental healthcare includes:

  • Enhanced Smile: Having a brighter, more attractive smile is the goal of many patients. Preventive dentistry can help your smile remain beautiful and healthy.
  • Fewer Health Complications: Patients who practice preventive dentistry typically have fewer dental problems than patients who rarely or never visit a dentist, or who do not have a standard at-home dental care routine.
  • Lowered Likelihood of Tooth Loss: Whenever possible, we help patients retain their natural teeth. If an extraction is necessary, we can place dental implants as a safe, fixed solution.
  • Lowered Risk of Disease: Poor dental health has been linked to diabetes, respiratory disease, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease. By preventing oral health problems, you may be lowering your risk of these other conditions, as well.
  • Reduced Expenses: Preventable problems or repeated can lead to expensive treatments that could have been avoided with daily, monthly, and yearly care.

Other Components to Healthy Teeth

In addition to oral hygiene, patients must also take care of their smile through:

  • Proper Nutrition: Making good food choices has a role in preventive dentistry. Whenever possible, eat meals and snacks that are high in protein, vitamins, good fats, and other nourishing nutrients. Limit items that contain added sugar, as sugar consumption is linked to higher risk of cavities.
  • Healthier Habits: If you smoke or chew tobacco, consider quitting this habit. Nicotine and tobacco use puts a strain on the teeth and gums. Smoking cigarettes or using snuff can also lead to development of oral cancers.

Keep Your Smile Healthy

Has it been a while since you have visited the dentist? Preventative care can help identify potential problems before they worsen. We welcome patients in search of personalized dental treatment in a high-tech, welcoming environment. Get in touch with us today through our website or by calling (803) 205-2496. Our focus is on delivering patients a comfortable, convenient, individualized experience.

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Our Regular Schedule


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm





